Publications (from UniBi pub-server)
Talks, conferences and workshops
- Talk on "The many faces of uncertainty in social interaction" at the KogWis2022, Freiburg, Germany.
- Talk on "Social Motorics and emergent cooperation" on invitation by Prof. Dr. Michael Levin at Tufts University, Medford, MA, USA.
- Participation in the Ernst Strüngmann Forum on "How Collaboration arises and why it fails" at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies in Frankfurt, Germany.
- Talk on "Towards a computational active self for flexible control under uncertainty" on invitation by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nele Russwinkel at TU-Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
- Talk and Poster on "Modeling reciprocal belief coordination in social interaction based on free energy minimization" at the Computational Cognition workshop (ComCo2019) in Osnabrück, Germany.
- Talk on "How active inference can facilitate belief coordination in multi-agent interaction" at the European Conference for Cognitive Science 2019 (EuroCogSci2019) in Bochum, Germany.
- Talk on "Social Motorics" on invitation by Prof. Martin Butz of the Cognitive Modeling group in Tübingen, Germany.
- Poster on "Modeling the integration of active inference and sense of agency for self-other distinction" presented at the Predictive Processing, Consciousness and the Self workshop in Bochum, Germany.
- Poster on "Modeling nonverbal communicative signaling in predictive social motorics" presented at the 14th biannual conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science (KogWis2018) in Darmstadt, Germany.
- Poster on "Modeling nonverbal communicative signaling in predictive social motorics" presented at the Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures conference, as part of the joint Human Level AI conference (2018) in Prague, Czech Republic.
- Took part at the "Predictive Processing: Reconstructing the mind?" Meeting in Cambridge, UK.
- Talk on "Distinguishing minds in interaction: Modeling self-other distinction in the motor system" at the 3rd workshop on Virtual Social Interaction in Bielefeld, Germany.
- Poster on "Self-other distinction in the motor system during social interaction: A computational model based on predictive processing" presented at the 39th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2017) in London, UK. figshare
- Talk on "SP05: Social Motorics" presented at the CITEC club in Bielefeld, Germany.
- Talk on "Communicative signaling and self-other distinction" presented at the 13th biannual conference of the German Society for Cognitive Science in Bremen, Germany.
- Talk on "Towards a model of the interplay of mentalizing and mirroring in embodied communication" presented at the EuroAsianPacific Joint Conference on Cognitive Science 2015 in Torino, IT.
- Talk on "Modeling a Social Brain for Interactive Agents: Integrating Mirroring and Mentalizing" presented at the Intelligent Virtual Agents Conference (IVA 2015) in Delft, NL.
- Talk on "Modeling a Social Brain for Interactive Cognitive Systems" presented at the Interdisziplinärer Workshop Kognitive Systeme (KogSys 2015) in Bielefeld, Germany.
- Poster on "A spreading-activation model of dynamic multimodal memory stabilization" presented at the Interdisciplinary College 2014 in Günne, Germany. figshare
- Winter semester - Tutorials (Übung): "Grundlagen künstlicher Kognition" with four tutorials per week
- Master's thesis by Harsha Manjunath: Deep learning methods for Stress prediction using physiological signals
- Bachelor's thesis by Tobias Drees: Implementing Variational Inference for Probabilistic Reasoning
- Bachelor's thesis by Julia Kartelmeyer: Pepper lernt Kopfgesten
- Bachelor's thesis by Juan Saenz: Inference of and adaptation to action-efficiency in cooperative environments using Pyro
- Bachelor's thesis by Alexander Stiebing: Numbafier - Simplifying the usage of Numba
- Summer semester - Seminar: Social Cognitive Systems for Human-Machine Cooperation (with Stefan Kopp)
- Master's thesis by Hendric Voß: Comparing Deep Learning models with a predictive processing model in recognition performance and online behaviour coordination
- Summer semester - Seminar: The Social Brain (with Stefan Kopp)
- Master's thesis by Corinna Osterbrink: Influencing factors on motor interference in virtual reality
- Bachelor's thesis by Astrid Assmann: Automatisiertes Feedback zum Gestenlesesystem von Bleidick mithilfe der Microsoft Kinect
- Summer semester - Seminar: Das soziale Gehirn (with Stefan Kopp)
- Summer semester - Seminar: Neuropsychologische Mechanismen sozialer Interaktion (with Farina Freigang)
- Bachelor's thesis by Katharina Suhre: Lesenlernen für Menschen mit kognitiven Einschränkungen mit Hilfe eines virtuellen Agenten - Eine Vergleichsstudie zwischen zwei Gestensystemen
- Bachelor's thesis by Günes Minareci: Semantic grammar handshake for IPAACA Windows Speech Recognizer